BT102 Microbiology Quiz 1 Solved - VU Answer

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BT102 Microbiology Quiz 1 Solution Answer


1. Flagella move ------- for forward thrust.

a) Counterclockwise 

b) Clockwise 

c) Run or Swim 

d) Both counter clockwise & run/swim 

2. Which of the following is used for DNA transfer?

a) Pili

b) Fimbriae

c) Flagella

d) Capsule

3. Which of the following is the function of cell wall?

a) Provide shape

b) Provide protection from osmotic lysis

c) Provide pathogenicity

d) All of the given options

4. Lipid bilayer is present in -------

a) Cell wall

b) Capsule 

c) Cell membrane 

d) None of the given options 

5. Movements against the concentration gradient is known as --------

a) Passive movement 

b) Active movement 

c) Interactive movement 

d) None of the given options

6. LPS stand for --------

a) Lipopolysaccharide 

b) Lipopeptidosaccharide 

c) Lipoteichoic acid 

d) None of the given options

7. Cytoplasm contains ------- percent water.

a) 70%

b) 65%

c) 80%

d) 75%

8. Which of the following has high susceptibility to penicillin?

a) Gram-positive bacteria

b) Gram-negative bacteria

c) Acid-fast Bacilli

d) None of the given options

9. Which of the following contain mycolic acid?

a) Mycobacterium 

b) Nocardia

c) Mycoplasma 

d) Mycobacterium and Nocardia

10. Which of the following is used for attachment?

a) Fimbrae

b) Pili

c) Capsule 

d) Both fimbrae & pili

11. Which of the following is the type of membrane protein?

a) Peripheral protein

b) Integral protein 

c) Both peripheral & integral proteins 

d) None of the given options

12. Which of the following is responsible for protein synthesis?

a) Ribosomes 

b) Mitochondria

c) Cell wall

d) None of the given options

13. --------- are used for twitching motility.

a) Flagella

b) Pili

c) Fimbriae

d) Pili and Flagella

14. Rigid layer outside the plasma membrane is ---------.

a) Cell wall

b) Cell membrane 

c) Cytosol

d) None of these 

15. Capsule is responsible for --------.

a) Virulence 

b) Mating

c) Locomotion 

d) None of the given options

16. Rod shaped bacteria are called Bacilli

17.Which of the following structure used for moving? Flagella

18. Lipid A is responsible for All of the given options

19. Which of the following disease caused by spirochetes? All of the given option

20.   is composed of pilin Both Pili & Fimbriae

21. Which of the following is responsible for the destruction of cell membrane? All of the given options

22. The basal body of flagellum of Gram-positive bacteria consist of ring 2

23. The basal body of flagellum of Gram-negative bacteria consist of ring 4

24. Integral proteins are             the cell membrane and are            in                               water Imbedded in, insoluble

25. Hair like small appendages on G-neg. cells are known as Fimbriae

26. Which of the following is not present in bacteria? both histone & nuclear membrane

27. Facilitated diffusion is done with the help of Integral protein

28. Spirochete’s bacteria move by Axial filaments

29. Long filamentous structure that propels bacteria is known as Flagella

30. When cocci join in chain like structure then the shape is known as Streptococci

31. Which of the following structures is involved in the locomotion of bacteria. Flagella 

32. Which of the following condition in which water moves into the cell? Hypotonic

34. Teichoic acid is made up of All of the given option

35. Energy is required in Active movement

36. Which of the following is used for mating? both Pili & Fimbriae

37. Which of the following is not part of the flagella? None of the given option

38. When two round shape bacteria join then it is known as Diplococci

39. Rigid layer outside the plasma membrane is Cell wall.

40. Capsule is responsible for virulence

41. 70S ribosomes consist of two subunits, 50S, 30S

42. Lipid bilayer is present in Cell membrane

43. Movement against the concentration gradient is known as Active transport

44. LPS stands for Lapopolysachrides

45. Cytoplasm contains percent wat 80%

46. Which of the following has high susceptibility to penicillin? Gram Positive Bacteria

47. Which of the following contain mycolic acid? Mycobacterium & Nocardia

48. Which of the following is used for attachment? Both fimbriae & pili

49. Which of the following is the most important structure in prokaryotes? Cell Wall

50. Which of the following is the smallest bacterium? Mycoplasma

51. Flagella is responsible for. Locomotion

52. Which of the following is used for DNA Transfer? Pili

52. Flagella move for forward thrust. Both counter clockwise& run/swim

53.   are used for twitching motility. Pili

54. Which of the following is responsible for protein synthesis? Ribosomes

55. Which of the following is the type of membrane protein? Both peripheral & integral proteins

56. Which of the following bacteria has atypical cell wall? Mycoplasma

57. After Gram staining, Gram-positive bacteria appear Purple

58. Extrachromosomal DNA is known as. Plasmid

59. Gram-Positive bacteria produce Exotoxins

60. Gram-negative bacteria produce Exotoxins and Endotoxins

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