Due Date: 23 Dec 2021
Total Marks: 20
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Assignment Objective:
To enable students to understand and practice the concepts of:
Data Types and Variables
If-else statements
Repetition structure
Loops and Operators
Code Solution
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using namespace std;
int main()
char st_FirstName[20] = "Bilal"; // Student First Name
char st_lastName[20] = "Khan"; // Student Last Name
char st_vuId[15] = "MC190456213"; // Student ID
int scar_size = sizeof(st_FirstName)/sizeof(st_FirstName[0]);
int ans_size = sizeof(st_vuId)/sizeof(st_vuId[0]);
int scar_ans = 0, sumVD = 0;
cout << "My First Name: " << st_FirstName << endl; // Display first Name
cout << "My VU ID is: " << st_vuId; // Display VU ID
for(int i = 0; i < ans_size; i++)
if(st_vuId[i] >= 97 && st_vuId[i] <= 122 || st_vuId[i] >= 65 && st_vuId[i] <= 90 || st_vuId[i] >= 48 && st_vuId[i] <= 57)
scar_ans += 1;
cout << "\nLast Digit of my VU ID: " << st_vuId[scar_ans - 1] << endl; // last digit of vu id print
int l_scar = st_vuId[scar_ans - 1] - 48;
int scar = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < scar_size; i++)
if(st_FirstName[i] =='a' || st_FirstName[i] =='e' || st_FirstName[i] =='i' || st_FirstName[i] =='o' || st_FirstName[i]=='u' || st_FirstName[i] =='A' || st_FirstName[i] =='E' || st_FirstName[i] =='I' || st_FirstName[i] =='O' || st_FirstName[i] =='U')
scar += 1;
cout<<"\nVowel no " << scar << ": "<< st_FirstName[i]; // no of vowels in first name
cout << "\n";
sumVD = scar + l_scar;
cout << "\nTotal Vowels in my First Name: " << scar <<endl; // show total number of vowels in first name
cout << "Sum of Vowels in first name and last digit of VUID: " << sumVD << endl;
cout << "\n";
if(sumVD % 2 == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < sumVD; ++i)
cout << " Iteration no: " << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "My First Name is: " << st_FirstName << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < sumVD; ++i)
cout << " Iteration no: " << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "My Last Name is " << st_lastName << endl;
return 0;
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