ZOO507 Principles of Animal Ecology Quiz 1 Solved - VU Answer

ZOO507 Principles of Animal Ecology Quiz 1 Solution Answer

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1. Product of photosynthesis are ____.

a) Glucose and water

b) Glucose and oxygen

c) Glucose and carbon

d) Food and Sulphur

2. How many types of biotic community are there?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

3. The normal body temperature of human beings is ____.

a) 36 degree C

b) 37 Degree C

c) 38 Degree C

d) 39 Degree C 

4. Low-quality energy is ___.

a) dispersed form of energy

b) has more capacity to do useful work

c) energy released by burning natural gas, gasoline or coal.

d) concentrated sunlight

5. Commensalism is a ___ relationship?

a) Harmful for both species

b) Useful for both species

c) Useful for one species and harmful for other

d) Useful for one species and second is neither helped nor harmed

6. Animals like birds and mammals that maintain their internal body temperature constant are called ___.

a) Homeotherms

b) Hetrotherms

c) Poikilotherms

d) Ectotherms

7. Which one of these is NOT True about torper?

a) Lowered body temperature

b) Higher metabolic activity

c) Lowered metabolic activity

d) only for short duration

8. ___ is defined as the number of species represented in a specific region, landscape or an ecological community.

a) Coevolution

b) Commensalism

c) Species richness

d) Population density

9. Which one of the animals do not go under winter sleep?

a) Snails

b) Bats

c) Salamanders

d) Frogs

10. The formation of a climax community from an abandoned farm land is a an example of ___.

a) autogenic succession

b) allogenic succession

c) primary succession

d) secondary succession

11. The term ___ is used for maintenance of an internal body temperature of an organism.

a) Thermometer

b) Thermoregulation

c) Homeothermal

d) Homeostasis 

12. The food chain from grass to hawk and again it comes back to grass with the help of fungi. In the above explain food chain, what is grass? Producers

13. Which of the following does not belong to herbivore fauna of the coniferous forests.  Fox

14. Human activities tend to the rate of runoff Increase

15. Elements move through components of earth system. 4

16. Liquid water is present in: hydrosphere

17. Relative amount of energy, biomass, number of organisms at each level in ecosystem is called Ecological Pyramid

18. Which of the following is not part of Arctic tundra? Inner Mongolia

19. In ecological succession the entire successional sequence is called as a .  sere

20. In ecological succession the community have high species diversity. Climax

21. Which of the following is not a type of a forest? Tundra vegetation forest

22. All of these are abiotic factors except nitrogen-fixing bacteria

23. Mutualism is a relationship Useful for both species

24. Quadrate or transect sampling involves counting of organisms of a single in plots or samples area. Species

25. Carnivores are at third trophic level

26. To which categories hawk can be classified Tertiary consumer

27. Which of the following is not a property of a community? Allotropic speciation

28. The soil of tropical rain forests is rich in Humus

29. ___ Is the number of populations per unit of total space Crude density

30. Organism which break down detritus into matter particles detritivores

31. A is the role which a specie can play in the community and also includes the type of food it eats and the relationship with other species. niche

32. Which one of these causes’ disease in cattle and effects its distribution in Africa? tsetse

33. Any group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular place and functioning part of …. community. Biotic

34. Association of algae and fungi is lichen

35. A thin spherical envelope of gases surrounding the earth's surface is: Atmosphere

36. Is a sequential and gradual growth of a community. SUCCESSION

37. The decomposers, namely bacteria or fungi present in the soil convert the organic matter back into Ammonium

38. Is the ability of population to increase by reproduction- birth rate_ Natality

39. Nearly …. is in the oceans and …. exists as polar ice caps, world’s second largest reservoirs. 97.3 and 2.1%

40. Coniferous forests are also known as …... or Boreal forests. Taiga

41. The soil of boreal coniferous forest is in nature. Acidic

42. ___ are autotrophic organisms with the ability to carry on photosynthesis and to make food for themselves. Producers

43. Each step in the food chain is called level    . Trophic

44. The Ecological niche of an organism denotes_ the habit of an organism

45. A plant releasing allelopathic chemicals to impede the growth of other species is an example of Interference competition

46. …. law of Thermodynamics is also called as law of entropy. 2nd

47. The animals that are fed on plants are classified as herbivores

48. ___ is an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other is neither benefited nor harmed. Commensalism

49. Which one of the following hosts offers home to the larval stage or the asexual forms of the parasite? inter mediate

50. What is the mean annual temperature of boreal coniferous forests? Below 0°C

51. The pioneer community like microbes, lichens …..and create soil for other plants to grow. mosses

52. Tropic of Capricorn lies at__ degree in southern hemisphere. 23

53. ___ law of Thermodynamics is about the quality of energy.2nd

54. The life exists on biosphere

55. A …is the natural interconnection of food chains and a graphical representation of what-eats-what in an ecological community. Food Web

56. What is called for an organism that feeds on other organisms? Consumer

57. ___ is the number of populations per unit of habitat space. Ecological Density

58. Competition between species can be denoted by sign. (-/-),

59. Which of the following is a natural ecosystem. aquatic

60. Exponential growth can be showed through shaped curve. S

61. Which of the following signs are used to represent amensalism? (-/0)

62. If the members of different species compete for resources the phenomenon is called as competition

63. Which of the following tree species are not find in coniferous forests Rosewood

64. What is Lichens? Association between algae and fungus

65. How much annual rain fall is recorded in temperate deciduous forests 75 to 150cm

66. ___ is an interspecific interaction in which two species live together in a long-term intimate association. Symbiosis

67. ___ is the number of individuals in a population found in particular area Population genetics

68. ___is the death rate of individuals in the population. Mortality

69. Transfer of food from the plants through a series of organisms with repeated eating and being eaten is called Food Chain

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